Source code for json2latex.python2latex

from .escape import escape
import json
from roman import toRoman

__all__ = ["python2latex"]

[docs]class python2latex: """A class for converting a nested Python structure into a form accessible using LaTeX. """ def __init__(self, name, obj): """ Args: name (str): The name of the LaTeX variable to save the data to. obj (dict or list): The Python object to make accessible in LaTeX. """ self._tex = "" self._name = name self._check_name(name) self._start_convert(obj) def _check_name(self, name): """Check if variable name is a valid LaTeX macro name. .. note:: Valid LaTeX macro names consist of only lower and uppercase letters. Args: name (str): The name to check if valid. Raises: AssertionError: If any characters are not a letter. """ for char in name: assert (65 <= ord(char) <= 90) or (97 <= ord(char) <= 122) def _start_convert(self, obj): """Starts the conversion process. Args: obj (dict or list): The Python object to make accessible in LaTeX. """ self._tex += "\\makeatletter" self._to_convert = {0: obj} self._index = 1 while len(self._to_convert): self._convert() self._tex += "\\makeatother" def _convert(self): """Converts a subset of object. This function gets a subset of the object from the ``_to_convert`` variable and parses it, adding the necessary command to the TeX string. If any other possible subsets of the object are possible, they are added to the ``_to_convert`` dictionary, for later processing. """ ind = list(self._to_convert.keys())[0] obj = self._to_convert.pop(ind) self._tex += ( "\\newcommand" + self._macro_name(ind) + "[1][all]{\\ifnum\\pdfstrcmp{#1}{all}=0" ) self._def_out(ind, json.dumps(obj)) self._tex += "\\else" if isinstance(obj, list): iterator = enumerate(obj) elif isinstance(obj, dict): iterator = obj.items() self._add_options(ind, iterator) self._tex += "\\fi" + self._out_macro_name(ind) + "}" def _add_options(self, ind, iterator): """Adds a set of elements to the current command. Args: ind (int): The index of the current command being created. iterator (Iterable): An iterator yielding a tuple of a key or index and its corresponding value. """ levels = 0 for name, value in iterator: levels += 1 self._tex += "\\ifnum\\pdfstrcmp{#1}{" + str(name) + "}=0" if isinstance(value, (list, dict)): self._let_out(ind, self._index) self._to_convert.update({self._index: value}) self._index += 1 else: self._def_out(ind, value) self._tex += "\\else" self._def_out(ind, "??") self._tex += levels * "\\fi" def _macro_name(self, ind): """Returns the name of a relay macro. Args: ind (int): The index to use when creating the macro name. """ if ind > 0: return "\\" + self._name + "@" + toRoman(ind) else: return "\\" + self._name def _out_macro_name(self, ind): """Returns the name of the output macro. Args: ind (int): The index to use when creating the macro name. """ return self._macro_name(ind) + "@out" def _def_out(self, ind, value): """Defines the output macro output to a given value. Args: ind (int): The index of the ouput macro to set. value (Union[str, int, float, bool]): The vale to set the macro to. """ self._tex += ( "\\def" + self._out_macro_name(ind) + "{" + escape(str(value)) + "}" ) def _let_out(self, ind, relay): """Sets the output macro to reference another macro. Args: ind (int): The index of the output macro to set. relay (int): The index of the macro to return. """ self._tex += "\\let" + self._out_macro_name(ind) + self._macro_name(relay)
[docs] def dump(self): """Get the string of LaTeX commands. The returned string is a set of LaTeX commands which can be used to access the values of the object provided when initializing the class. """ return self._tex
[docs] def save(self, fp): """Write the LaTeX commands to a filelike object. The string writen includes a set of LaTeX commands which can be used to access the values of the object provided when initializing the class. """ fp.write(self.dump())